Like you, I’m a man of few words. But this Father’s Day weekend, I want to share my heartfelt thanks for the dad you are and all that you’ve instilled in me.
As farmers, we work the land we love and love the land we work. From the time I was young, I saw your grit, your perseverance, your resilience, your work ethic and your dedication.
Even more important, I saw your commitment to faith and family despite the long hours of farming. No matter how hard you were working, you always put family first – never missing a game, a school event or life milestone.
You taught me level-headedness and flexibility. You taught me patience. You taught me integrity and humility. Dad, all of these things make me a better farmer today, but even more, you taught me to be the best man and dad that I can be to my own family.
I think any guy can be a father – but it takes a real man to be a dad. You are that man.
Any time you can learn from your dad is a good day, and boy, have I learned from you. When I messed up, you let me know – and even to this day – I rightly deserve a good chewing from time-to-time.
The list is endless on what you’ve taught me about farming – even when I thought I knew the best way. Yet it’s the life lessons that stick with me most – and as farmers, they go hand-in-hand.
You are a man of your word and never make excuses. From my first memories as a boy, I remember being told to be honorable. To never lie, cheat or steal. You also showed me there’s a solution to just about everything, and it’s okay to ask for help – as long as you’re always willing to lend a hand whenever you can.
As farming changes from generation to generation, you’ve also let me grow – as a man, as a farmer and as a dad myself. I give you credit for teaching me how to treat a wife, how to love a daughter and how to raise a son.
Growing up, and to this day, there’s never been a doubt you’d drop everything for any one of us in the family. We both know this is one of the toughest, often unforgiving jobs. But it’s in my blood, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Because of you, I’m a better farmer. Because of you, I’m who I am today. Thank you for everything.
Happy Father’s Day today and every day, Dad.