Over the course of the last year, many have made the decision to invest in local co-op gins and other regional cooperatives – including the four regional co-sponsors of The Co-op Advantage®.
For those who have made the decision to invest, congratulations. Our blogs and videos over the last several months have focused on highlighting stories of how being a grower-owner increases your value and helps your bottom line.
The Co-op Advantage also works to instill the ideals of the seven cooperative principles – number six being especially beneficial in this season of harvest and holidays merging together.
Cooperative Principle number six is “Assist Other Co-ops.” Cooperation among cooperatives adds up to significant dividends paid back to growers. Grower-owners reap the economic benefit of ownership and control of cooperative businesses. Their communities thrive and assistance among cooperatives epitomizes support at every level of the supply chain – from farms to gins to warehouses to delivering seed at all times of day.
From the day the first seed is planted to the last day of harvest, grower-owners know the meaning of real ownership.
Yet, for most, this season takes on an even different meaning – as harvest signals the end of the year, when all grower-owners come together – working as one – to reap rewards.
The coming together of all those in the cotton industry at harvest is comparable to all Americans in this season of joy whose families gather to celebrate their year’s work, their faith and time together.
Co-op Advantage regional co-sponsors Plains Cotton Cooperative Association, Farmers Cooperative Compress, PYCO Industries, Inc., and Producers Cooperative Oil Mill are working together all year to market, warehouse, deliver and process grower-owners’ cotton; and to guarantee power in numbers.
In this season of joy, families across our nation gather to remember years’ past, present and future. So too, are the grower-owners of cooperatives who gather to assist one another in the midst of this year’s harvest.
Blessings to all in their continued harvest; and a Merry Christmas to each and every family this holiday season.